Highlands & Islands Crew members rescued after vessel runs aground near Isle of Mull The vessel was successfully refloated this evening. By Lauren Taylor September 4 2023, 2:26 pm September 4 2023, 2:26 pm Share Crew members rescued after vessel runs aground near Isle of Mull Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/highlands-islands/6115693/vessel-aground-isle-of-mull/ Copy Link Tobermory lifeboat was called out to assist the vessel. Image: Supplied. A vessel with 14 crew members onboard has run aground north-east of the Isle of Mull. The Tobermory lifeboat was sent to the scene at around 11.30am on Monday. Several local vessels also responded to the incident. Attempts to refloat the vessel were unsuccessful because of the low tide. There were 14 people onboard at the time, including 11 divers, who have all been safely taken back to Tobermory. A coastguard spokesman said the lifeboat crews will return to try to refloat the vessel later in the day. They later confirmed the vessel was successful refloated in the evening a returned to Tobermory.