Police have launched an investigation after three youngsters dressed “inappropriately” at Wick Gala Day.
Two girls and a boy dressed as golliwog dolls, painting their faces black and donning curly wigs.
Gollys were a black character in children’s books in the late 19th century usually depicted as a type of rag doll, featuring prominently in a number of books, including Enid Blyton’s Noddy stories.
However, the term has become a racial slur in recent years and police are now looking to track down the three people involved.
Police Scotland confirmed they had received a complaint from a member of the public and are investigating the incident.
A police sporkeexplained “Police in Wick received a call from a member of the public seeking to raise awareness of what they deemed as possible inappropriate behaviour at a public event known as the Wick Gala, which took place on Saturday 25 July, in the town centre.
“Suitable advice was provided to the caller. Officers have also been in contact with the charity event organisers to provide advice and guidance for future events of this nature.”
As well as contacting the gala committee police have also been in touch with the Caithness Courier, who first published the pictures, in order to identify those involved but the paper were unable to help.