As Up Helly Aa fast approaches, the finishing touches are being made to the Viking galley that will be paraded for the first time tomorrow.
Today, The Press and Journal got a sneak preview of the boat, which will be burned at the end of tomorrow night’s procession in Lerwick.
However, it remains a top secret what this year’s will look like, which will be led by Guizer Jarl Calum Grains, who has been involved in the fire festival since 1987.
Calum’s squad, known as the “Whiteness and Weisdale Squad” – which includes his daughter Colleen, son Ian and other family members – will lead the festival as the Jarl Squad for the first time this year.
Since October, Up Helly Aa’s committee and numerous volunteers have been working to get the galley ready for the big day and it will leave the shed for the first time ahead of the procession on Tuesday evening.
Here are pictures from the Up Helly Aa Exhibition in Lerwick – where the showpiece is being finished off – of stunning paintings of squads and of the event from years gone by.
Our photographer Kath Flannery captured the best images.
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Gallery: Paintings of Up Helly Aa squads and festivals of years gone by