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Munlochy junction: Right-hand turn ban off the table until Tore improvements are made

Safety concerns about the A9 exit on the Black Isle have been raised for years.

Traffic passing the Munlochy Junction turn off in the evening light.
Munlochy junction connects the A9 with the B9161. Image: Sandy McCook/ DC Thomson.

No further improvements will take place at one of the north’s most notorious junctions until traffic lights are introduced at a nearby roundabout.

Munlochy junction, which connects the A9 and the B9161 on the Black Isle, has been known as an accident blackspot for years.

The stretch of the A9 between North Kessock and Tore is currently the subject of a Transport Scotland study.

It has prompted a couple of improvements. New lighting has been installed and right turns from the B9161 to the A9 have been outlawed.

Locals have been calling for right turns from the A9 to the B9161 to be banned too.

But that move won’t be considered until some issues are fixed further north on the Tore roundabout.

Junction is ‘disaster waiting to happen’

Kate Forbes is the area’s local MSP and has been calling for improved safety measures at Munlochy junction for years.

The deputy first minister met representatives from Transport Scotland earlier this week and Ms Forbes was told that it will be revisited once lights are installed at the Tore roundabout.

She said: “I wholeheartedly agree that we want to make Munlochy junction as safe as possible.

“Closing the right turn from the B9161 onto the northbound A9 and also the installation of streetlighting have delivered improvements.

Kate Forbes asked constituents for their thoughts on the A9 and Munlochy junction.
Highland MSP Kate Forbes has represented the area for years.

“Transport Scotland’s longstanding concern with closing the central reservation, is that it will push a significant volume of traffic onto the Tore to Munlochy road, which is not equipped to cope with the potential volumes.”

John Stott is the chairman of Knockbain Community Council.

He wants to see right turns from the A9 and B9161 banned.

“It continues to be a disaster waiting to happen,” John said.

“Turning right across a busy dual carriageway – where the sightlines are not particularly good, it’s effectively a blind summit on a bend. It’s a recipe for disaster.

“The argument that it will put more traffic on the A832 I don’t really understand because it’s an A road. At the moment that traffic is going onto a B road.

“I go through the Tore roundabout all the time and I honestly don’t think it’s an issue.”

What is Transport Scotland’s plan?

In the long-term, there are a few different options.

Munlochy junction could become a roundabout. Traffic lights could be added and maybe even a flyover.

However, those options are expensive. They will also not be happening anytime soon.

A spokesman for Transport Scotland said the agency is working to improve safety for people on the Black Isle.

He added: “We have undertaken various works at Munlochy and further improvements will be considered in due course as part of our wider programmes of road safety investment.

We are currently looking towards the installation of traffic signals at the A9 Tore roundabout and potential to lower speed limits locally in that area to improve road safety and active travel opportunities.”

The right turn at the Munlochy junction onto the A9 was to be permanently removed in 2023. Image: Sandy McCook/ DC Thomson.

Problems on this road are not new.

In September 2020, almost one near-miss a minute was recorded by independent investigators tasked with assessing safety at the junction.

Between 2010 and that point, there were 29 crashes including one fatal accident and two in which people were left with serious injuries.

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