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Driver charged after Peugeot 208 ‘spotted doing 101mph’ on North Coast 500

A 44-year-old was arrested and charged with road traffic offences including drink driving.

Officers clocked a Peugeot 208 doing 101mph. Image: Police Scotland
Officers clocked a Peugeot 208 doing 101mph. Image: Police Scotland

An alleged drink driver has been arrested and charged after being clocked ‘doing over 100mph’ on the North Coast 500.

Officers saw a car travelling at 101mph in a 60mph zone on the A832 near Achanalt on Sunday March 16, during a national speeding campaign.

Officers stopped the red Peugeot 208 around 12:20pm. The road is part of the popular North Coast 500 tourist route.

A 44-year-old man was arrested and charged with road traffic offences, including drink driving.

He was held in custody to appear at Inverness Sheriff Court on Monday March 17.

Alleged drink driver arrested after doing 101mph on NC500

The national speeding campaign aims to raise awareness of the risks of excessive speeding and how it contributes to preventable collisions, injuries, and fatalities on the road.

Sergeant Doug Scott from Highlands and Islands Road Policing said: “Police Scotland is committed to improving road safety and our officers are out every day educating road users and carrying out enforcement.

“We ask motorists to recognise the dangers of speeding, pay attention to speed limits and drive to the road, weather and traffic conditions.”