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Invergordon contestant wins £4,100 and trip to Cyprus on Tipping Point

Andy was over the moon to scoop the cash.

Andy with hands on his face during the episode
Invergordon man Andy won over £4,100 on Tipping Point. Image: STV

A Highland man has won an “amazing amount of money” on Tipping Point.

Andy Bannerman from Invergordon walked away with a huge smile after bagging £4,100 on the STV show’s latest episode, which aired on Monday.

The Highlander also won a spa day and a trip to Cyprus during the show.

Andy, who studied at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, said he was “absolutely delighted” with the prize.

He told host Ben Shephard he plans to use the money to move in with his long-distance girlfriend Erin to Shetland.

Invergordon young man wins over £4,000 on Tipping Point

Andy, a whisky auction assistant, played against public protection officer Serena, from London and retired hairdresser Richard, from Downton.

The Highlander got off to a great start in round one, as he pushed the buzzer before the other contestants and answered the first four questions correctly.

the three contestants at in round 1 in the show
The three contestants during the first round of Tipping Point. Image: STV

In his last drop, he got 15 counters across the tipping point, including the double, finishing the first round with £1,900.

He also finished on top after round two, in which contestants got to drop a counter for every question they answered correctly.

Round three saw Andy going toe-to-toe with Richard for the win.

Andy and Richard in round 3
Andy beat Richard at the end of round three. Image: STV

The Invergordon contestant was the winner after accumulating £3,200 – £900 more than his opponent.

Andy Bannerman ‘walks away’ with £4,100

For the final round, Andy was given the jackpot counter to try to win the £10,000 jackpot.

After answering the questions on the six endgame subjects, his jackpot counter was still far from dropping into the winning zone.

Andy hugs with presenter Ben
The Invergordon man said he was “absolutely delighted” with the prizes. Image: STV

Tipping Point presenter Ben Shephard offered him to walk away with the money or to trade it for three more counters.

The gamble would give him another chance to win 10,000.

The Highlander said: “That’s an amazing amount of money so it would be unwise, foolish in fact, to risk that.”
