Elderly woman in hospital after fire at Argyll hotel By David Kerr March 1 2016, 10:40 am March 1 2016, 10:40 am Share Elderly woman in hospital after fire at Argyll hotel Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/highlands-islands/849173/woman-hospital-fire-argyll-hotel/ Copy Link Firefighters are currently battling a grass fire in Lochaber An elderly woman has been taken to hospital with burns after a fire at a hotel near Oban last night. Firefighters were called to the Falls of Lora Hotel in Connel just after midnight. A spokesman for the service said the fire was within the ground floor of the building where the 76-year-old casualty was found. She was initially taken by ambulance to Lorn and Islands Hospital in Oban. She has since been transferred to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow. Her condition is currently unknown. Firefighters remained at the scene throughout the night having extinguished the fire in order to clear smoke. The spokesman for the fire service said a joint investigation will now be carried out with police.