A sheep has beaten one in a million odds to give birth to five healthy lambs
Sarah Bruce
Bosses at the Cairngorms National Park have issued a warning to dog-walkers for the impending lambing season.
Dog owners are being reminded to “lead” by example and be careful with pets around sheep and other livestock.
Pregnant ewes and newborn lambs are extremely vulnerable and nervous at this time of year and should not be worried by dogs allowed to run loose.
Farmer Bruce McConachie, who is also a land management advisor at the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA), said: “Spring has definitely sprung, we’re all happy to see the sunshine at last and everyone is getting out and about in the park. However, we would urge dog owners to please keep dogs on leads near farmland. Dogs that are not on leads near sheep can be a real problem and attacks by dogs can result in a big financial burden for farmers in terms of stock loss or vets bills, not to mention the emotional upset that is caused, as we’ve seen in the press in recent weeks.”
For more information on enjoying the outdoors responsibly please check out the Scottish Outdoor Access Code http://www.outdooraccess-scotland.com/Practical-guide/public/Dog-walking