Loch Hourn and the mountains of Knoydart from Beinn Sgritheall.
Picture by Bill Cameron
An earthquake with a magnitude measuring 2.3 has struck in the Scottish Highlands.
The tremor was logged by the British Geological Survey (BGS) near Loch Hourn, just over three miles to the east of Arnisdale, at 10.36am yesterday.
The quake was recorded at a depth of six kilometres. There have been no reports of any damage.
An earthquake also struck one of the country’s remotest communities in the Highlands on December 28.
The 2.0 magnitude tremor was recorded by the BGS on the Knoydart peninsula in Inverness-shire.
Knoydart is referred to as “Britain’s last wilderness” and is only accessible by boat, or by a 18-mile walk through rough and 3500ft high mountainous country. It is home to around 100 people.
The area also has mainland Britain’s officially remotest pub – The Old Forge.
The BGS said the quake struck at a depth of 7km with the epicentre just over two miles north from Inverie – the main centre of population – and near Inverguseran.
In September a 1.6 magnitude quake was recorded in the area.
There was a significant 4.4 magnitude tremor recorded on the Knoydart Peninsula in 1974.