They are the long-serving heroes that make our fire service what it is.
Chief Officer Alasdair Hay presented 14 long service medals and four retirement statuettes in Inverness on Friday night.
He said: “Each and every recipient has earned this recognition whether it be for their long and loyal commitment to fire and rescue services and exemplary conduct for more than 20 years or to mark the special occasion of their retirement.
“Everyone is a credit to themselves, their families, their communities and the organisation.”
Chief Officer Hay added: “You are also receiving your long service good conduct medals after a period of momentous change within the service, as we merged the former eight legacy services into the largest UK fire service and the fourth largest in the world.
“But you continued to stand on the front line with that unwavering commitment so very typical of our firefighters.”
Those who received their long service and good conduct medals were: crew manager (CM) Allan Morrison from Gairloch, CM Donald Mackenzie (Achiltibuie), CM Alexander MacKenzie (Gairloch), group manager (GM) Fraser Nixon (Inverness), CM Brian Watt (Muck), fire fighter (FF) Neil Morrison (Kinlochewe, CM David Bell (Inverness), FF David Curtis (Kilchoan), CM Roderick Coltart (Carrbridge), FF Barry Taylor (Aviemore), FF William Sutherland (Golspie), CM John Shaw (Portree) and FF Gordon Wink (Ullapool).
Receiving their retirement statuette’s and certificates were former Highland local senior officer (LSO), Scott Hay, ex-LSO for Shetland, Orkney and Western Isles, Billy Wilson, Fort William CM Allan MacKinnon and Strontian Watch Manager Alasdair MacLean.