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Extra police patrols in Inverness after spate of thefts from cars

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A spate of thefts from cars has prompted extra police patrols across Inverness.

The force has raised fears about a “concerning spate of crime” across the Highland capital, which have so far targetted five areas.

Valuables, including computer equipment, and cash have been removed from inside vehicles – many of which have been left unlocked.

Some other personal belongings have been damaged or left lying on the street.

The most recent incidents have occurred in the Scorguie and Dalneigh areas – but in recent weeks similar reports have been received from Castle Heather, Westhill and Hilton areas.

Chief Inspector Ian Graham, area commander for Inverness, said the force will be committing extra resources in an attempt to bring the crime spree under control.

Peter Wallace had his car broken into overnight in the Scorguie area of the city – though nothing was taken.

He said: “As I got in my car to leave for work I realised the centre console was open and everything had been been thrown into the footwell.

“The glove box had been left open but they hadn’t taken anything.

“I presume they were looking for house keys or something of value.

“A week earlier also on a Friday morning we had been been woken by a loud knock on the door around 5.45am.

“The police advised they may do this to check if anyone is in or if dogs are kept at the house.

“I would encourage residents to be on the look out and keep anything of value out of sight.”

Police believe that the incidents are the work of “opportunistic thieves”.

The crimes are not necessarily thought to be linked but may be the work of several different individuals or groups.

Ch Insp Graham said initial investigations suggested many of the cars targeted had been left unlocked – and urged residents to take protect their belongings.

He said:”People don’t think it will happen to them, but the sad truth is that you are far more likely to become a victim if you don’t take basic steps to ensure your valuables are secure.

“We’ve received reports of thefts from right across Inverness so there is no safe place from opportunistic criminals.

“Generally we live in a very safe part of the country, but I would urge people not to be complacent and lock their cars whenever they’re left unattended – even for short periods of time.

“It only takes a few minutes – sometimes seconds – to enter a car and steal valuables; however, the results can cause immeasurable distress and expense.

“These are opportunistic thieves who will try any car door until they find one unlocked. Please ensure you take the basis steps of locking your vehicle at all times – do not take the security of your belongings for granted. Our simple message is: Lock up, be vigilant and please do not give these people a chance.

“We will have additional patrols deployed over the next week to combat this concerning spate of crime, but we seek the vital support from the public in reporting any suspicious persons, vehicles or activity in their local area.”

Police are urging members of the public to report anything suspicious via 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Councillor Richard Laird, who represents Dalneigh, said: “I think it’s a warning to people to make sure their car is locked even if they are just abandoning it for a few moments.

“Unfortunately there does seem to be people trying their luck and waiting for the opportunity to take belongings, or the vehicle or both.”