We asked members of the public: What do you think of the plans for Inverness Museum and Art Gallery?
“The lights make it look like Las Vegas. It’s not the spirit of Inverness and the other buildings surrounding it.”
Raphaela Ben Arous
Raphaela Ben Arous, 29, Paris
“They need to do something. I don’t know who approved this building in the first place, probably the council or something, but they shouldn’t have let it happen.”
Dave Lawrence, 68, Christchurch, New Zealand
“Yes it is needed. It’s a bit old looking just now, maybe. It would be a good improvement.”
Yoann Rob, 21, Lille/Findhorn
“Just now it looks very sad. It looks very old. I think it would be better.”
Eslem Ben Arous, 25, Paris
Your views: What do you think of the plans for Inverness Museum and Art Gallery?