A retired insurance and double glazing salesman has been banned from a restaurant in Inverness after he “took a shine” to a teenage worker.
Inverness Sheriff Court heard yesterday that Angus Maclean’s attentions last August were unwanted by the 17-year-old, who contemplated suicide.
MacLean, 65, of Innes Street, admitted engaging in a course of conduct likely to cause a person fear or alarm, commonly known as “stalking.”
Fiscal depute Ross Carvel told the court that MacLean first saw the teenager, who cannot be named, on August 7, asked her where she lived and to go out for drinks with him.
Mr Carvel said: “She told police she wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible as he was giving her the creeps and she was freaked out.”
But Mr Carvel said that MacLean returned to her place of work or outside it several times, either speaking to her or smiling at her.
“He told her ‘I am coming to get you.’ Then on August 31 he approached the girl again.
“She was frightened and reported him to police. She said she was having nightmares about him and had suicidal thoughts.” Mr Carvel went on.
Defence agent Rory Gowans said: “He took a shine to her and went too far. As a 65-year-old man, he should have known better. It was foolish, thoughtless and irrational.”
Deferring sentence until September 13 for social work involvement with MacLean, Sheriff David Sutherland said: “It is quite clear that your behaviour caused great distress to this young girl.
“I am concerned about the potential of similar behaviour.”
A three year long non harassment order was also placed on MacLean, who was banned from the restaurant for a similar period.