Police appeal for information after fatal accident on A82
A motorcyclist has been airlifted to hospital following a collision with a caravanette on a main Highland road.
The accident happened just north of Fort Augustus at around 7pm, and the A82 Inverness to Fort William road was closed in both directions.
Emergency services attended the scene and firefighters from Fort Augustus and Foyers helped remove the casualty on to a vacuum stretcher.
The person was taken by road ambulance to an area near Fort Augustus, where they were transferred to a HeliMed helicopter and flown to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.
It is not known how seriously the motorcyclist was injured.
Last week, a biker died at the scene after a collision with a camper van on one of the A9.
The incident took place a few miles north of the notorious hairpin at Berriedale Braes.
Motorcyclist airlifted to hospital following A82 crash