An Inverness school is celebrating its 50th anniversary this week.
The pupils, parents and staff of Lochardil Primary School will be marking the milestone with a series of fun-filled events between now and Saturday.
Today at 1pm is the opening of the celebrations, with speeches, a tree planting ceremony and the cutting of the 50th anniversary cake.
This event will be invite only for current school pupils, current and ex-staff and members of Highland Council.
The public are then invited to join the celebrations at 2pm for afternoon tea, which will be served in the school hall until 4pm.
Tomorrow between 2pm and 4pm there will be a tennis festival for pupils in the school grounds.
Then on Wednesday the school will open its doors to the public between 7pm and 9pm for a showcase of Lochardil memorabilia and 1964 inspired displays.
Thursday’s event will involve workshops for pupils run by the Lochardil Football Club between 3pm and 4.30pm and on Friday, there will be a pupils versus teachers and parents netball match from 2pm to 4pm.
The celebrations will culminate with a fun day with a variety of stalls, games, bungee run and bouncy castle, between 11am and 2pm. This will be held in the school grounds and on the grassed area between Dornie Place and Morven Road.
The gates will be open to past pupils, parents and staff, as well as members of the local and wider community.
Audrey Kellacher, headteacher at the school, said: “I would like to thank the parent council, all parents, pupils, teachers and many others who have helped to organise our 50th anniversary celebrations. I am sure that we will have a fantastic week and everyone is welcome to join us at the open events and share in the fun to mark this occasion.
“I would also like to thank staff at the Inverness Archive Centre, who helped us with the exhibition which showcases Lochardil memorabilia and the1964 inspired displays.”