A care home in Inverness has been praised by inspectors for having the “right plans in the right place”.
Cheshire House Care Home on Ness Walk has been rated as very good by the Care Inspectorate, following an unannounced visit earlier this month.
The facility is by Leonard Cheshire Disability and provides self-contained flats for adults with sensory or physical impairments, or those with a learning disability.
The inspectors described the residents of Cheshire House as “customers” after being asked to do so by the people who use the service.
The report states: “Customers were fully involved and in control of their care and support.
Promoting independence, but clearer info required on visiting rights
“Staff promoted customers’ independence. There were comprehensive health systems in place to ensure customers got the right care at the right time.
“The provider had robust quality assurance systems in place that supported and focused on service improvements,” she added.
While the inspector praised the leaders of the service, she said: “Clearer information needs to be sent to customers and their loved ones in respect to visiting rights when
the care home is closed due to infection.”
Before the pandemic Cheshire House was visited by Britain’s Got Talent winner Lee Ridley.