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Care is now a 200-mile trek: Vascular surgeries in Inverness axed as hospital department closes

Some treatments will now be delivered at hospitals in Dundee and Aberdeen. 

Raigmore Hospital with a welcome sign to the left.
Recent patients at Raigmore Hospital have been asked to look out for flu-like symptoms and high temperatures. Image: Sandy McCook/DC Thomson.

Highland patients are to face a gruelling 200-mile trek to undergo vascular surgery due to a shortage of specialists.

Elective surgeries will grind to a halt within the department at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness as sister health boards step forward to bridge the gap.

Referrals to Raigmore Hospital will continue in the weeks and months ahead, but arterial treatments will now be delivered at hospitals in Dundee and Aberdeen.

NHS Highland has stressed a “national shortage of specialists” has prompted the move, with work underway to find a long-term solution.

The move has left patients in Far North communities such as Thurso and Wick facing a more than 200-mile journey to undergo vascular treatment.

Raigmore Hospital with the A9 in the foreground and Moray Firth Behind.
With vascular services at Raigmore at least temporarily reduced, Highland patients face a lengthy commute to Aberdeen or Dundee to undergo treatment. Image: Sandy McCook/DC Thomson.

The department and its team of specialist surgeons diagnose and manage conditions affecting circulation and the wider vascular system – apart from the heart and the brain.

Patients of all ages can be be diagnosed with arterial disease affecting both the arteries and veins.

‘They’re not getting the money to support the department’

Douglas Torrance, 79, from Inverness has attended at clinics in both Aberdeen and Inverness.

He’s concerned by the lengthy journeys now faced by patients, many of whom struggle with their mobility.

Mr Torrance has written to his local MSP to ask what prompted the closure of the vital department.

He believes a lack of financial support could be to blame.

Speaking to The Press and Journal, he said: “People are there mostly for problems with their legs and whatnot.

“They are people who are not mobile or are elderly.

“I think the people who made this decision to close it are the bean counters. The money people.

“They’re not getting the funding to support the department, so is the government underfunding them?

“Are vascular surgeons being attracted elsewhere because there are higher salaries in the private field?

“I have written to Fergus Ewing to ask why this has happened.”

‘Undue burden’ being placed on Highland patients

Mr Ewing, MSP for Inverness and Nairn, said the travel pressures the staff shortages will place upon patients is “unacceptable”.

“I am deeply disappointed by the decision to close Raigmore Hospital’s vascular department and the subsequent impact this will have on patients in the Highlands,” he said.

“Forcing individuals to travel over 200 miles to Dundee or Aberdeen for vital vascular surgeries is unacceptable.

“It places an undue burden on some of our most vulnerable residents.”

Fergus Ewing pictured in a yellow fluorescent coat, beside car in a layby on the A9 near Aviemore.
Fergus Ewing MSP said the decision to move vascular surgery to Aberdeen and Dundee and force patients to travel more than 200 miles for surgery is “unacceptable.” Image: Sandy McCook/DC Thomson.

Mr Ewing says the decision was made by health bosses despite calls last year to make these services a priority.

He added: “I raised my concerns about the future of vascular services directly with NHS Highland’s chief executive last year, urging them to prioritise local provision for Highland patients.

“I understand the challenges outlined in their review.

“But it is imperative any regional restructuring of healthcare services ensures equitable access for rural communities.”

NHS says staff shortages have made vascular care ‘fragile’

A spokesperson for NHS Highland said vascular services within the health board area had been “fragile” for some time.

“There is a national shortage of specialist colleagues and best practice recommendations are for patients to attend dedicated, expert centres for some treatments,” they said.

“There is national work ongoing to ensure everyone in Scotland has access to these,” they said.

“We have been working with other boards and the Scottish Government in the meantime to develop an interim solution.

“We are grateful to other boards for their support.”

The spokesperson added: “Some patients will travel to other units for their “arterial” procedures, where more specialised care is available.

“Referrals to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness will continue and patients will be assessed and have some investigations locally.

“Many patients require assessment, investigation and non-surgical measures such as blood pressure and cholesterol control, smoking cessation, graduated exercise and better diabetic control.

“These can be provided locally.

“We have communicated these changes to staff and patients.”
