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Drive-thru coffee shop proposed for Inverness Morrisons car park

Developers say the venture will “redevelop underutilised areas” of the store's vast car park.

Artist impression of new Inverness drive-thru coffee shop.
Architects have created impressions of what the new drive-thru coffee shop could look like. Image: Whittam Cox Architects.

A drive-thru coffee shop could become the latest addition to Inverness city centre.

Motor Fuel Group has unveiled plans to add a drive-thru within the grounds of the city’s Morrison’s supermarket.

A total of 45 parking spaces would be axed to make way for the venture, accompanied by an exclusive EV charging zone.

The development is the second of its kind to be lodged by the firm in the last month, with plans for a similar venture in Inverurie.

Last year, bosses struck a deal with the supermarket giant to take ownership of hundreds of their petrol stations.

Artist impression of new Inverness drive-thru coffee shop.
A new drive-thru coffee shop has been earmarked for development in Inverness Morrisons car park. Image: Whittam Cox Architects.

Drive-thru proposed to ‘redevelop underutilised area’ of Morrison’s car park

Now, the firm is looking to expand its offering in the Highland capital through the launch of a new drive-thru coffee shop.

Developers say the venture was masterminded to “redevelop underutilised areas” of the vast car park, and create employment while minimising disruption to the store’s day-to-day operations.

A statement cited in the design plans reads: “The coffee shop drive-thru will be single storey and contain an internal seating area, counter, customer toilets, drive-thru hatch, back of house facilities kitchen/preparation area and staff room.

“The site layout has been driven by a desire to redevelop underutilised areas of the existing Morrisons car park, by incorporating a complementary use which can not only support linked trips but can operate independently of the superstore.

Diagram showing car park and blueprint for coffee shop location within the grounds.
Blueprints lodged with the Highland Council outline proposals for the new coffee shop, adjacent to the store’s existing petrol station. Image: Whittam Cox Architects.

“The proposed location is within the northeast corner of the existing car park. The location has been selected to minimise disruption to the existing Morrisons car park operation and the existing highways network.”

First look at potential new Inverness drive-thru

The blueprints, lodged with the Highland Council planning department, outline the desire to develop a single-story coffee shop in the north-western corner of the Millburn Road store’s car park.

The shop would consist of an internal seating area, counter, customer toilets and drive-thru hatch, accompanied by back-of-house facilities.

Plans also include the installation of seven numbered charging bays, protected by an overhead canopy and two cycle stands.

An outdoor seating area is also proposed.

The proposals are currently in the consultation stage, which is due to end on February 27.
