He suffered the almost unimaginable grief of losing a son to cot death.
And now, Highland MSP David Stewart is backing a campaign to help children who have lost siblings cope with tragedy.
Mr Stewart is supporting the Scottish Cot Death Trust in its campaign to get two books into schools and nurseries across Scotland.
The politician and his wife Linda lost their youngest son, eight-month-old Liam, to cot death in 1991 and were supported by the trust.
Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Mr Stewart explained: “When a child dies there can be a strong focus on how the parents are coping and sometimes the grief of siblings may not be given as much attention.
“Parents may receive cards of condolence – seldom does a child receive their own card expressing sorrow that they are without their brother or sister.
“I know from my own experience that parents can be so wrapped up in the moment that it’s difficult to consider the effect on other children in the family, especially when they are dealing with their own feelings of overwhelming grief.
“Losing a young baby is one of the greatest traumas that parents, and their remaining children, can ever face.
“I’ve read both books and see them as excellent resources, sensitively written for children. The charity’s aim is to have these books widely available to all children, via schools and nurseries, so that any family affected by the sudden death of a baby or young child, or for children born into a family after a loss, are supported as well as they can be. I’m happy to back the initiative and will be writing to the Scottish health secretary to ask if this can be taken forward.”
“Rory’s Star” was inspired by a bereaved mum who felt there was nothing available for her two young sons when their baby brother died from cot death.
“Andrew’s Rainbow” was written to support children born into a family after the death of a child, with the trust saying it is important these children are supported in any grief they feel towards the brother or sister they never knew. These children are often called “rainbow babies” as they are likened to a rainbow after a storm. The book contains the words of rainbow children.
Lynsay Allan, executive director of Scottish Cot Death Trust, added: “When families come to us for support we will often speak to the school staff to explain what happens after a cot death.
“Teachers can feel quite unprepared and worry about answering questions children may have.”