A young couple barricaded themselves in their Inverness home after a confrontation with two council workmen.
Paul Tracey, 22, and his 21-year-old partner Natasha Grant, of 67 Upper Kessock Street, appeared at Inverness Sheriff Court yesterday,
They admitted a variety of charges relating to incidents on September 13 last year.
Tracey pleaded guilty to possessing an offensive weapon, namely a golf club, and resisting arrest, while Grant admitted similar charges ,as well as behaving in a threatening manner towards the two local authority joiners.
Fiscal depute Michelle Molley told the court that the workmen had been called out at 5am to repair a faulty broken door lock when Grant appeared from her property and began behaving aggressively towards them.
Ms Molley said: “She went back inside and returned with a golf club. Tracey also appeared with a golf club and they followed the workmen waving the clubs about. and making threats towards them.
“Police were informed and when officers arrived, the pair had barricaded themselves in with various items in the house and there was a stand-off for over an hour before they were arrested.”
Sentence was deferred on both for background reports.