A medical ward at the north’s flagship hospital has been closed due to a norovirus outbreak.
Ward 7C at Raigmore Hospital was today closed to new admissions and visitors after three cases of the bug were confirmed and a further four patients were affected with symptoms.
It comes after the hospital suffered a series of norovirus outbreaks in the Spring – and closed completely to visitors in early March after the winter sickness bug hit 50 patients.
The virus, which causes diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, spreads in the air in affected areas and is extremely infectious.
The Infection Prevention and Control team are monitoring the situation and infection control measures are in place.
Dr Adam Brown, consultant microbiologist for NHS Highland, said: “We know there is significant norovirus in the community and we do believe that this is an infection that has been brought into the ward and has affected new patients.”
Dr Brown added that this strain of Norovirus appears to have a long incubation period so the period of clearance required has been extended from 48hrs to 72hrs, limiting the chance of it spreading.
NHS Highland has advised the public that they can help minimise the spread by following some simple rules.
Don’t visit a hospital if you or someone you live with has symptoms. If you have a hospital appointment, get in touch and, where appropriate, reschedule your appointment.
Wait until you have been clear of symptoms for 72 hours, as you may still be contagious, even if you feel well.
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially after using the toilet and before eating.
If you visit someone in hospital, don’t sit on their bed and keep the number of visitors to a minimum at any one time. Never touch dressings, drips, or other equipment around the bed.
There is no specific treatment for norovirus and NHS Highland advises anyone who is suffering from the virus should stay at home, take paracetamol to relieve symptoms of any fever and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.