A community will have equipment reinstalled at a playpark after it was removed by the council due to reports of antisocial behaviour disturbing residents.
St Rufus Park was recently upgraded with a £40,000 refurbishment with new swings, an outdoor gym, sand diggers and a sandpit installed.
The money for that equipment came from grants and fundraising efforts by the St Rufus Park Regeneration Group (SRPRG).
However, Moray Council removed the sand diggers from the site along with the basket swing after residents highlighted concerns with the location of the equipment and unruly behaviour.
An agreement has now been reached between the local authority, representatives from Keith Community Council, residents and SRPRG about relocating the equipment to a different part of the park.
Gail Duncan, chairwoman of the SRPRG, was pleased that a resolution has finally been agreed and that the equipment will be returned.
She said: “I’m glad we came to an agreement and can now move forward with plans for the park.
“We’re glad things progressed well after meeting with the council and residents and we can continue to fundraise for the park.”
Despite the equipment wrangles with the council, the SRPRG is still looking at ways to improve the park even more and through the Tesco Bags for Life scheme have earned enough to install a roundabout.
A Moray Council spokesman stressed that the removal of the equipment had only been a temporary measure.
He said: “We carried out an assessment of the locations and agreed new ones with all parties. We now plan to move the equipment to these areas.
“The roundabout will be installed by contractors soon after it is delivered, but as the tender of this piece equipment includes installation this could be in place before the relocation of the diggers and swing.
“The removal of the equipment was always temporary, so we’re glad to have agreed the new locations with all stakeholders.”
The council is hoping to complete the installation by December although that could be affected by other work commitments of the Lands and Parks team.