Maximum taxi fares in Moray could go up by 10% before Christmas.
Taxi fares and charges in Moray have been fixed in price for the next 18 months.
A consultation run by the council in June was sent to 89 operators across the region.
A second survey was then concluded last month following a poor response to the initial initiative, with the majority of responses favouring the status-quo.
The maximum charge for taxis in the region is currently £3.60 for the first mile plus an additional 30p per tenth of a mile afterwards. There is also a maximum fee of £120 for those who soil a vehicle.
Amy Taylor, chairwoman of the council’s licensing committee, explained the next review of the prices would now take place in June 2021.
She said: “I am pleased the committee has decided to keep the fares and charges the same for the coming period.
“The decision will provide certainty for taxi businesses and customers for 18 months. I thank those who took the time to respond to the consultation, your views have aided us in our decision making on this important licensing issue.”