Eoin McKenzie has retired following 39 years of service to Moray schools.
A school janitor has retired following nearly four decades of taking care of Moray classrooms.
Eoin McKenzie had been based at Rothes and Mortlach primary schools since 2004 and was previously a caretaker at Elgin High School.
However, the 69-year-old dedicated custodian has now retired from the position following 39 years of service to teachers and pupils.
Students at Rothes Primary gathered with parents and staff to present Mr McKenzie with gifts to celebrate his contribution to the community.
Head teacher Faith Sargeant said: “I’d like to thank Eoin for being a fantastic member of the team. There’s a real sense of community at the school and everyone is a valued part of it, and Eoin has gone above and beyond so many times.
“He has done so much for us, and he always has a smile on his face. All of the boys and girls, staff and families value the contribution he has made.”
Mr McKenzie added: “I’d like to get back into fishing and photography. I’ve got lots of grandchildren, so I’ll enjoy more time with them as well.
“But first, we’re off on a Mediterranean cruise, I always said it would be something we’d do when I retire.”
School janitor in Moray steps down following nearly four decades of service