Damage has been reported to one side of the Foth Burn bridge, south of Elgin.
A Moray bridge has been closed due to safety concerns after damaged was reported on one side of the structure.
An inspection was carried out on the Foths Burn bridge, south of Elgin, yesterday by council engineers after concerns were raised by a member of the public.
Staff spotted there had been “significant, recent and active” movement on the stonework of the crossing that lies between the Glenlossie Distillery and Birnie Inn.
Damage caused to the bridge means there is not enough space for traffic to safely pass the weakened area.
Moray Council has announced that the road will remain closed near Thomshill until further notice.
Diversions have been set up on the A941 Elgin to Fogwatt road and the Elgin to Birnie road.