Moray Cummingston Community Council and Burghead Free Church team up to create Blessing Box By Sean McAngus May 5 2020, 8:00 am May 5 2020, 8:00 am Share Cummingston Community Council and Burghead Free Church team up to create Blessing Box Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link Copy Link Sue Hopkinson from the Free Church and Community Council's Joan Megson. A Moray community council and church have teamed up to provide help to locals through the creation of a Blessing Box. Burghead and Cummingston Community Council and Burghead Free Church came up with the box, available for people to contribute to or take from. Community Council member Joan Megson said: “During this Covid crisis many of us have less income than usual, and some have much less. “So this is a way for the whole community to help those who need food. “None of us want anyone in our community to be hungry. “This is a caring and generous community – less than a few days after we put the box out it was full.” The Free Church’s Peter Turnbull added: “We’re in a medical crisis, and also a financial crisis, and some people are struggling. “People want to share what they have so if you need food please come and use the box. “There is no shame in giving or accepting help. “The box is in a discreet place, and no-one will see you come and leave or take food. “On the box is the symbol of the rainbow, a sign of God’s mercy and hope for the future.”