Moray MSP Richard Lochhead has long campaigned for fairer delivery charges.
Moray Citizens Advice Bureau has launched a campaign to end rip-off delivery charges across the region.
It is estimated that the cost of these charges for people from the Moray region in 2019 was £2.78 million.
Bureau Manager Mary Riley is asking local consumers and businesses to complete a survey to share their experiences of delivery surcharges.
She said: “The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness of unfair parcel surcharging in Moray and work with local communities to create local solutions.”
MSP Richard Lochhead has urged people to get right behind the Fairer Delivery Charges campaign.
Mr Lochhead said: “It is a source of huge frustration for shoppers and local businesses, that companies and couriers continue to impose unfair and often ridiculous parcel delivery surcharges on customers in Moray and across the north of Scotland.
“I would encourage consumers and businesses in Moray to get behind their campaign and respond to their new survey, to share their experiences.