Moray Council has launched an online consultation to hear views on redesign of the local authority and Health and Social Care Moray’s Transitions to Adulthood policy.
It is hoped that the policy will enable better planning for all young people in the area to prepare for adult life.
This will look different for each young person, taking into account factors like housing, education, employment, and support needs.
Officials have worked in partnership with inclusive charity Friendly Access to create this policy after families identified improvements in a survey for the transition process.
Planning should begin for each young person at least three years before they leave secondary school, and can continue for some up to the age of 26.
The charity will help to deliver the training to ensure the policy is embedded in council practice.
Children and Young People’s Services committee chairwoman Sonya Warren said: “We are grateful for the support of Friendly Access, whose input has been invaluable in transforming the policy to one which deliver tailored plans for every young person in Moray, putting them at the centre of decision-making for their future.”
Parents can submitted their views until January 18 about the drafted revised policy by visiting