David Anderson died after being struck by a lorry on Birnie Road in Elgin.
A man has died after being hit by a lorry in Elgin.
Emergency services were called to Birnie Road, near the golf course, at around 10am this morning.
The road has remained shut for most of the day but was reopened at 7.30pm.
The road remains closed and police are still at the scene. Supplied by DCT Media.
A collision investigation is under way.
A police spokeswoman confirmed the crash was between a HGV and a pedestrian.
She said: “Officers received reports of a crash involving a HGV and a pedestrian on an unclassified road, known locally as Birnie Road, in Elgin. It was reported around 10am on Tuesday, April 26.
“Emergency services attended and a 42-year-old man, the pedestrian, was pronounced dead at the scene.
“The road adjacent to the golf course was closed while enquiries into the crash were carried out but has now re-opened.”
As part of the investigation officers were later seen examining a black Volkswagen in Edgar Road. The car was seen within a police cordon with an officer looking at the wheels.
A total of nine officers were seen to be carrying out inquiries on Edgar Road and examining the car.
A police spokesman said: “Officers were in attendance on Edgar Road in Elgin as part of enquiries into the crash near Elgin Golf Course, which was reported around 10am on Tuesday, 26 April, 2022.”
42-year-old man killed in lorry crash near Elgin golf course