The sun was shining as five records were smashed at the Gordon Castle Games today.
For the first time since 2019, heavyweights, athletes, pipers and dancers gathered at the Fochabers grounds to compete.
Crowds flocked to take in the traditional spectacle, as well as the other family fun including the Gordon Setter Gathering, falconry display, vintage cars and races.
Notable events that always pique the crowd’s interest are the ever-impressive caber toss and the tug o’ war.
The Gordon Castle Highland Games also feature the Scottish 28lb Weight for Distance Championships, where competitors throw a heavy weight the furthest distance.
Individuals shone their respective events with this year’s event producing five new records including Sinclair Patience who smashed the 56lb throw record.
While competitors had their eyes on the prize, visitors and families enjoyed the many stalls selling quintessential Scottish products.
These included whisky, fudge, seafood, tweed accessories and pottery from over 80 stalls both inside the Tower Hall and outside on the estate.
Pipes filled the air as competitors took to the stage, with the massed pipe bands also entering the field throughout the afternoon.
Another unique element of the Gordon Castle Highland Games is the annual Gordon Setter gathering.
Beginning in 2019, a campaign was launched to save the dog breed, Gordon Setter, from disappearing, with owners encouraged to bring their dogs along to the event.
Open Piobaireachd – Gordon Barclay
Open March – Hamish Munro
Open Strathspey and Reel – James McPetrie
Overall Champion – John MacDonald
Junior Piobaireachd, March, Strathspey and Reel and Overall Junior Champion – Jake Robertson
Highland Dancing
Primary 5 Pas de Basque – Mairi Stewart
Primary 5 PDB & HC – Arya Coleman
Primary 5 Fling & Swords – Thea Bailey
Primary 6 Pas de Basque, PDB & HC – Kayla Keith
Primary 6 Fling & Swords – Ciorstaidh MacPhee
Beginners 8 and under Fling, Sean Truibhas, Flora, Lilt & Most Points – Emily Duthie
Beginners 8 & under Swords & Reel – Ella Bailey
Beginners 9 & under Fling, Swords, S/T, Reel, Flora, Lilt & Most Points – Millie Bailey
Beginners 10 & over Fling, Swords, Reel & Most Points Chloe Powell
Beginners 10 & over S/T – Eilidh Stewart
Beginners 10 & over Flora – Eve Robertson
Beginners 10 & over Lilt – Rowan Bain
Novice 11 & under Fling – Ellie Wisnicki
Novice 11 & under Swords, S/T, Lilt & Most Points – Niamh MacPhee
Novice 11 & under Reel – Abigail Smith
Novice 11 & under Flora – Evie Parkin
Novice 12 & over Fling, S/T, Reel, Flora, Lilt & Most Points – Alexis Neville
Novice 12 & over Swords – Ciara Millsopp
Intermediate 12 & under Fling, Swords, S/T, Reel, H/P & Most Points – Harris Fraser
Intermediate 12 & under Jig – Freya Anderson
Intermediate 13 & over Fling, Swords, S/T, Reel, Jig, H/P & Most Points – Ellie Thomson-Bialy
Premier 11 & under Fling – Kali Smith
Premier 11 & under Sword & Reel – Kayde Collie
Premier 11 & under S/T, H/P & Most Points – Eilidh Smith
Premier 11 & under Jig – Ruby Spence
Premier 13 & under Fling, Swords, S/T, Reel, Jig, H/p & Most Points – Ashleigh Duncan
Premier 14 Fling & Jig – Isla Gauld
Premier 14 Swords – Isla Ross
Premier 14 S/T – Amy McRae
Premier 14 Reel, H/P & Most Points – Sophie Fraser
Premier 15 Fling & S/T – Innes McKenzie
Premier 15 Swords, Reel, Jig, H/P, Most Points – Amy Smart
Premier Adults Fling & S/T – Laura Smith
Premier Adults Swords & H/P – Dionne Rae
Premier Adults Reel, Jig & Most Points – Molly Smith