The voucher system has began for free school meal recipients
Moray Council should take advantage of a period of financial respite to begin preparing for harder times ahead, its leader said today.
As he introduced the council’s spending plans for the coming year, Councillor Stewart Cree said it could be seen as a ‘light touch’ budget which would not impact heavily on frontline services.
The local authority’s total revenue budget has been set at £197.9m for 2015-16 – with the authority having to save £14.9 million over the following two financial years.
But Councillor Cree warned that more difficult times lay ahead – and that addressing those challenges had already begun and would continue in the months ahead.
He told today’s budget meeting: “While I welcome the fact that we are able to balance the 2015-16 budget without having to implement significant savings, we must make best use of this period of respite to put us in a position to address the forthcoming challenges.”
Moray Council budget: Warning of “harder times” ahead