The go-ahead has been given to build whisky storage at a Speyside town.
Permission was granted to the Edrington Group for 10 whisky maturation warehouses at Glenrothes Distillery at a meeting this week.
However there were concerns that Rothes residents would be subjected to years of construction work.
The site to the west of the distillery extends to 50 hectares and includes a former farm.
‘Culture of departure’
Access from the A941 through the town will be via Burnside Street to the distillery.
Officers consider the warehouses to be an acceptable departure from the local development plan.
But councillor for Speyside Glenlivet Derek Ross said: “Residents will be subjected to construction for nine years.
“Some might say does Rothes really matter, with the amount of construction going on.
“I don’t think any of us would want to be residents of Burnside Street.
“The people in Rothes are sick of having things done to them.”
He was advised the phasing of the construction period from 2023 to 2032 was to limit the impact on the community.
Mr Ross raised concerns over the amount of ethanol released during the maturation process, and the potential impact on the environment.
He also highlighted the issue of the amount of HGV traffic in Rothes.
Councillor for Forres Draeyk Van Der Horn said: “This would be the second departure of the local development plan in Rothes approved.
He added that it seemed to be a move to a “culture of departure” at the Speyside town.
In February members voted to grant planning permission in principle for a £65 million maltings at Greens of Rothes, on the B9015 road from the town to Mosstodloch.
That proposal was also considered a departure from the local development plan.
Does Rothes matter?
When completed the plant is expected to produce around 100,000 tonnes of malt a year.
The amendment objecting to the proposals, put forward by Mr Ross and seconded by Mr Van Der Horn did not succeed.
At the meeting on May 30 of the planning committee members voted by 12 to three to approve the development.
Councillor for Keith and Cullen Donald Gatt seconded by Buckie member Sonya Warren, tabled a motion to give planning permission subject to conditions.
They include the applicant providing a traffic management plan before work starts, and finalising a landscaping scheme.