Matty Slinger, Phil Barton and Steven Simpson want to recapture their childhood memories of playing cuppy.
But it’s not as simple as that.
They also want to create a safe space for people to talk about anything that is troubling them.
And now, Moray Mental Health Football Club has now been launched.
The three men want to make a difference in the community after losing friends to mental ill health.
What is their plan?
They plan to hold bi-monthly kickabouts somewhere in and around the Elgin and Forres area.
The trio are currently on the lookout for a facility.
Matty explained: “For a while we were thinking about something to make an impact in the community.
“With football being such a culture point, it makes it a bit easier for people to follow and join.
“People may not be interested in talking circles as they already find it hard to talk.
“But we plan to introduce it as a kickabout, laugh and more for fun and chance to interact with people.
“My favourite memory as a kid was playing cuppy with friends from dawn until dusk. We want to recreate that.
“At these sessions there’ll be a time where everyone can get stuff off their chest, if they choose to and are comfortable to do so, no pressure.”
Mental ill health affects people in many ways.
Matty said: “We have lost a couple of friends to mental health and recently seen friends of friends and colleagues who have lost people.
“You see first hand, how much damage, lockdown did to people’s mental health.
“Social interaction is so important, we hope to provide some.”
‘Just doing the same grind’
Phil added: “How mental health directly affects me is the sense of belonging.
“Sometimes I’m not doing as much as I can do and find it hard to get motivation.
“It’s just doing the same grind of working, sleeping and eating, I sometimes think is this just what I was put on earth to do.
“I’m looking forward to being part of something that hopefully helps people in the community.”
The friends have teamed up with mental health charity Mikeysline.
Matty added: “Money raised from our shirts and donations will go towards facilities for the club and charity.
“Mikeysline will be providing leaflets with information about support available and will occasionally send their representatives to our sessions.
“It is great to have this charity involved.”
The trio’s long term dream is to create a male team competing in local welfare league, a female team, and youth teams with coaches pushing a positive message and a veteran’s team.
Looking to get in contact to find out more or donate email