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Up to £250 extra for a Saturday wedding among price hikes as Moray Council reveal budget plan details

How will the changes affect the average Moray household?

Elgin clouds led to a huge downpour.
Moray Council's budget will be announced soon. Image: Jason Hedges/ DC Thomson.

Moray Council have revealed price hikes and changes to bins, weddings and school meals in their budget plans.

Council leaders are set to outline their budget plans next week.

An increase to councillor pay and the introduction of a visitor levy to Moray will also be discussed.

Here, we give you the ‘highlights’ of their proposals.

How much could services be going up by?

Moray Council’s policy since 2023 has indicated a steady increase on the price of services in-line with inflation each year until 2027.

This year, council officers have set a default increase of 3.6%, but a number of council services will increase beyond it.

Back in January, councillors agreed they would be happy to increase Fit Life memberships by £1 a month.

Exercise bikes in Moray Leisure Centre gym.
Moray’s leisure facility cost changes were agreed back in January. Pictures by JASON HEDGES.

Which services might get more expensive?

The registrars office could see changes coming in the use of their marriage room.

A new flat rate of £145 will cover the attendance of up to 20 guests.

However, weddings taking place on a Saturday will have additional charge of £250 (up from £145) to cover staff costs.

Primary school meal charges will be increasing by 10p to £2.55.

Brown bin permits will go up from £50 per bin to £52 per bin each year.

Should anyone be planning to open a zoo in Moray, the cost of a zoo licence will also increase by £31.

The cost of licensing events of all sizes could also increase. Image: Kenny Elrick/DC Thomson.

Are any charges staying the same?

Back in January, the council agreed the charges for adult swimming and swimming lessons would not be changing.

Grass sports pitches were kept as last year’s prices but astro turf facilities and sports hall bookings will be increased.

Parking charges across Moray are not planned to increase this year.

Parking in Elgin and across Moray is not due to change this year. Image: David Mackay/DCT Media.

What else are the council planning?

Councillors are also set to vote on a new pay deal thanks to the Scottish Parliament.

A change in legislation has shuffled councillor pay bands around, allowing Moray Council to increase the councillor pay allowance.

Council officers have stated the total pay increases for councillors is in the region of £256,000.

Councillors will also decide whether to move ahead on proposals for a visitor levy, similar to the one currently being consulted on in the Highlands.

Should plans move forward, the earliest the levy would start to be implemented would be February 2026.

A full breakdown of all the charges and plans can be found on Moray Council’s website ahead of the meeting on Wednesday.

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