A retired RAF firefighter’s momentary lack of attention resulted in a three-vehicle crash, which left several people injured and a woman wheelchair-bound.
Gordon Thomson, 80, was driving his BMW home to Forres when the crash happened near the junction of the B9101 with the A96 at Auldearn.
Thomson admitted causing serious injury by careless driving.
Inverness Sheriff Court heard that Thomson didn’t notice a red Toyota Yaris slowing down ahead of him and he ran into the back of it.
Fiscal depute Emily Hood told Sheriff Eilidh Macdonald: “The Yaris was projected onto the opposing carriageway and collided with a Hi-Lux and trailer. The trailer detached and hit the BMW.”
Ms Hood said that Thomson broke down in tears when police told him the consequences of the December 15 2023 crash.
Significant injuries
She said: “The driver of the Yaris had to be extracted from her vehicle.
“She suffered multiple fractures to her ribs, spine, sternum and a perforated bowel.
“She now requires a wheelchair and is unlikely to walk again. She has a full-time carer, struggles to write and to talk due to an injury to her left lung.”
Two other people also suffered fractures as a result of the collision.
Sheriff Macdonald deferred sentence until April for a background report.
She told Thomson: “The injuries were significant and I want to look at the various sentencing options in the social work report.
“But what I am looking at is a community payback order and a significant driving disqualification.”
Thomson, of Thornhill Road, Forres, was banned in the interim.