MPs have called for some flexibility in school admissions
Moray Council is seeking relief escorts to ensure vulnerable youngsters make it to school on time.
The local authority employs a pool of adults to accompany children with additional support needs and provide safe passage to and from school.
However, more escorts are needed to act as back-ups in the case of absence or illness.
The council’s transport team are looking for more escorts across the region, but have indicated the area around Forres has the most urgent need.
Transport manager Nicola Moss said: “Many pupils with special needs are carried on minibuses or by taxi and in many cases they required to be accompanied by an escort.
“At the moment we have a shortage of relief escorts who we can call on, particularly in the Forres area.”
Anyone interested should call the council’s public transport unit on 01343 563803.
Moray Council seeks relief school escorts to get vulnerable kids to school