Coastguard helicopter joins police search for missing Moray woman By Chris Jaffray January 26 2016, 7:17 pm January 26 2016, 7:17 pm Share Coastguard helicopter joins police search for missing Moray woman Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link Copy Link Kathleen Edward Police are currently carrying out a search forĀ a 85-year-old woman in Aberlour. A coastguard helicopter has joined the search and is currently focusing on the River Spey. Kathleen Edward was reported missing at around 2.30pm in the Broomfield Square area. She is described as being 5ft 3in tall with a slim build and gray short hair. She uses two canes to walk but is believed to only have one with her. Anyone with information is urged to contact Police Scotland on 101.