A “badly needed” parking review in Elgin could be shelved to help the council balance its budget.
Late last year, Elgin members argued that the parking situation in the town had become “dire”, and narrowly won approval to commission £60,000 studies aimed at reducing the problem.
The local authority said that car parks around the heart of the town were overflowing and urgent action was required.
However, council chiefs have now announced plans to stall the scheme, amid a sweeping package of measures designed to fill the funding hole.
Elgin City South councillor John Divers has been urging the authority to provide more parking in the town for nearly 20 years.
And last night, the region’s Labour leader expressed concerns that, should the project be placed on hold, it could stay in limbo for years to come.
Mr Divers said: “My worry is if this does get deferred, when will it ever come back?
“Improved parking in Elgin would bring more footfall and more businesses to the town centre, and could well prove to be £60,000 well spent.
“Something like this is badly needed.
“But the independent-led administration was against this scheme, and it was voted through by the opposition SNP group and myself, so it was obvious this was a project they would look at postponing.”
Moray Council convener, Allan Wright, was one of six administration members to vote against the review.
He said: “We think this is something that can fairly constructively be deferred for at least a year. It’s not a priority.
“It was voted in quite narrowly, and in the current economic climate, we could not justify pressing ahead with it.
“This isn’t a case of getting back at those who voted to have the review, there was a sensible enough debate about it.”