A swimming pool will now be included in the plans for a replacement Lossiemouth High School – after the Ministry of Defence said they may help fund its construction.
Councillors had previously been told it would be “financially irresponsible” to feature the pool in the building’s design at a time when “dramatic” service cuts are on the cards.
However, the present pool – which is used by locals and schoolchildren – is one of the most popular in Moray.
Including a similar facility at the new site would increase costs of the new school from £28.5million to £31million.
Heldon and Laich councillor John Cowe has appealed to RAF Lossiemouth for funding support.
And yesterday, he said MoD staff had pledged to investigate funding the pool in partnership with the council, providing certain conditions are met.
Mr Cowe added the increasing number of personnel at the base would be eager to use the modern venue for special dinghy training exercises and rehabilitation sessions.
He said: “If the new swimming pool met certain requirements, it would be used by an increasing number of people attached to the base.”
But Mr Cowe conceded that the RAF could offer “no assurances” that the funding would be forthcoming.
Forres councillor George Alexander voiced fears the council was proceeding with the scheme based on a “wispy promise”.
However, the full council voted 18-seven in favour of featuring a pool as part of the new building.
Members were unanimous in backing a move that the new school’s capacity be extended to 800, to cope with an anticipated population boom in Lossiemouth over the coming years.
Moray MSP Richard Lochhead met the council’s chief executive, Roddy Burns, on Tuesday to relay residents’ concerns about the new school not featuring a pool.
Last night he said: “I think everyone will agree that it is the right decision for these plans to include a replacement pool, particularly at a time of expansion in the town.”