More than 75 of Scotland’s finest professional pie makers lined-up to deliver their creations into the hands of judges.
Traditional scotch pies rubbed crusts with macaroni and steak varieties, sausage rolls and bridies, apple pies and all manner of savoury treats, both meaty and vegetarian.
A long day of tasting and testing ensued and it will be into the new year before the winners of the World Championship Scotch Pie Awards are revealed.
Alasdair Smith, chief executive of Scottish Bakers, which manages the competition, said: “Today we judged more than 450 entries in the 21st championships, a huge milestone for such an iconic Scottish product.
“It has shown me once again that all the pie makers from Scotland and further afield who have taken the time to enter have again excelled in the quality, innovation and passion they put into the products they produce for consumers every day.
“I would like to thank everyone who entered and I wish them every success in the competition.”
The winners, including the recipient of the ultimate accolade – producer of the Best Scotch Pie in the world – will be announced at a ceremony on January 14 next year at the Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld.