These Apple products may not feature Siri or Bluetooth but when installed they are helping mountain rescue staff carry out their job during the coronavirus pandemic.
Technology giant Apple has donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the Scottish Mountain Rescue Team (MRT) offering protection for 800 volunteers.
Around 2,000 surgical face masks were gifted to units across the country who were working without protection. It comes following advise from the Health Protection Scotland and the Scottish Government that they should be worn.
National medical officer for Scottish Mountain Rescue, Alastair Glennie, explained the importance of the equipment.
He said: “It can take up to 16 mountain rescue volunteers in close contact with each other to carry an injured casualty on a stretcher – a casualty who may have coronavirus now that there is sustained community transmission.
“It is advised that surgical face masks are worn if we are closer than two metres to a patient or casualties.
“Up to 20 or 30 volunteers may be required simply for one callout, so these masks will help protect front line rescuers.”
Active walkers are still encouraged to stay at home as the supplied PPE differs from those used by medial professionals and does not give the same protection.
Mr Glennie continued: “Mountain rescue does not lend itself easily to the PPE that healthcare workers wear, is very resource heavy requiring MRTs, ambulance resources and occasionally coastguard helicopters.
“It is why MRTs in Scotland, England and Wales are asking people to stay off the hills at the present time.”