Bruce the baby White Rhino with mum Dot at Blair Drummond Safari Park
A white rhino has been born at a Scottish safari park.
The southern white rhino, which has been called Bruce, was born in the early hours of Sunday morning at Blair Drummond Safari Park near Stirling.
Bruce was born almost a month after his due date with ‘calf watch’ having started at the park on September 14.
Bruce the baby White Rhino with mum Dot at Blair Drummond Safari Park
A live camera feed had been available for ‘calf watch’ on their website, with many visitors and fans of the park tuning in to keep up to date with mum Dot’s progress.
Bruce is Dot and Graham’s second son, first son Angus is still at the park.
Dot, 14, has successfully reared all three of her calves, a vital contribution to the Endangered Species Breeding Programme.
Poaching of wild rhinos is so prolific, it is predicted they will be extinct in the wild by 2026.
This species is threatened by continued poaching and the high illegal demand for rhino horn. Their horn is used mainly in traditional Chinese medicines.