An amateur cameraman believes he may have captured an alien spaceship flying near Loch Lomond.
The video, shot on Sunday evening, shows a bright object which appears to hover above the Loch Lomond area.
The footage has sparked debate amongst UFO enthusiasts across the world with many believing the video shows the planet Venus, meanwhile others are convinced it is an alien ship.
Police Scotland and Coastguard say they have no record of aircraft in the area at time and Tom Hall, of Kinlochard in the Trossachs, who shot the video from his home, has explained why he is convinced it is a UFO.
Alien spaceship or planet Venus, what do you think?
In his notes alongside the video, Hall said: “This was definitely not a Chinese lantern (too large, too bright and too long in the sky), aircraft (No flight path and too low and slow) or helicopter (would have seen usual flashing green/red lights and heard something but object was silent plus the way it moved tells me not this type of aircraft).”
The video lasts 15 minutes and has raised plenty of questions but what do you think? Are aliens looking to set up base on the Bonnie Banks?
What do you think? Video of UFO spotted above Loch Lomond