People from different households in Scotland have been advised not to car share in a bid to suppress rising coronavirus cases in the country.
Those who rely on lifts to work, shopping education have been urged to use alternative transport, like trains and buses, or try cycling or walking.
However, in some essential cases, two households will have to share a car and advice has been published to help them keep as safe as possible.
Keep car-sharing groups small
The main advice is that if you must car share, then try to keep the group as small as possible.
Try and share with the same people or person each time.
Wear face masks
Both the driver and passenger should wear face masks unless they have a medical reason not to.
This rule will reduce the spread of coronavirus droplets coming from your mouth and nose.
Keep car windows open
Keeping the windows open will make sure the car is well ventilated.
Similar to how shops and schools are advised to keep windows open, it allows fresh air to be recycled and reduces the spread of coronavirus in the air.
Sit as far apart from each other as possible
You must sit as far apart from each other as possible, which could mean sitting in the back of the car instead of the front.
You should also avoid any physical contact and face away from each other while traveling to lessen the risk of transmission.
Clean all touchpoints after each journey
You should clean all of the most touched points in the car after each journey with cleaning products.
This includes door handles, steering wheels, and windows.