A busy stretch of the one of north’s most important tourist routes will be revamped during works starting on Sunday.
Bear Scotland will carry out the £290,000 project on the A82 Inverness-Fort William road, north of the Aberchalder swing bridge.
Resurfacing will take place over a 0.7mile stretch of the route.
The works will take two weeks to complete, with closures in place to protect the workforce.
A signed diversion route via the A87 and A877 will be in place resulting in an additional journey time of approximately 15 minutes.
The works will be carried out between 7pm and 7am each night from Sunday nights to Friday mornings with no works taking place on Friday or Saturday nights.
Residents and local businesses have been notified of the overnight works in advance and the diversion route will be signed to direct trunk road traffic whilst the road closure is in place. Access to local residences will be maintained throughout the closure.
Traffic management will be removed out with working hours to keep disruption to a minimum, however, a temporary 30mph speed restriction will be in place to ensure vehicles can pass safely over the temporary surface safely.
Eddie Ross, Bear Scotland’s north west unit representative, said: “These resurfacing works will improve this stretch of road, addressing any defects in the surface and creating a smoother and safer journey benefiting road users for years to come.
“We have consulted with local residents and businesses in the area ahead of the improvements and planned the works to minimise disruption as much as possible including carrying out the improvements overnight, avoiding weekend closures and adjusting the working hours to have less impact on traffic.
“We would encourage motorists to plan their journeys in advance and allow for extra time for travel.”
Real time traffic information can be obtained from Traffic Scotland at www.trafficscotland.org or twitter @trafficscotland.