The start of the Easter weekend has seen Aberdeen’s road network brought to its knees as gridlocks are reported across the city.
Congestion is rife as cars flood into the city from near and far and city folk with the day off travel to enjoy the fine weather.
Here’s a list of the worst hit parts of Aberdeen:
There is slow traffic on A90 in both directions in Bridge Of Dee at the B9077 Leggart Terrace junction.
There is queuing traffic on the A956 Guild Street westbound in Aberdeen between the Castle Street junction and the A93 Guild Street junction.
There is slow traffic on the A96 at Great Northern Road eastbound in Aberdeen between the Bank Street junction and the A978 St Machar Drive junction.
Slow traffic on the A956 King Street in both directions in Bridge of Don at the Esplanade junction.
There is slow traffic on A96 Auchmill Road eastbound in Bucksburn between the Old Meldrum Road junction and Haudagain Roundabout.
Stop-start traffic is causing major delays on the A90 southbound in Persley between the Whitestripes Avenue junction and the A96 Auchmill Road junction.
Slow traffic on A96 Auchmill Road eastbound in Bucksburn between the Old Meldrum Road junction and Haudagain Roundabout.
Queuing traffic and heavier than usual traffic on A96 Powis Terrace eastbound in Aberdeen between the B991 Bedford Road junction and Mounthooly Roundabout.
Slow traffic and heavier than usual traffic on A956 King Street southbound in Bridge of Don at the A978 St Machar Drive junction
Very slow traffic and heavier than usual traffic on A956 King Street in both directions in Aberdeen between the B990 Nelson Street junction and the A978 St Machar Drive junction.
Message us on Facbeook with any more issues.