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Scott Begbie: Belmont Cinema will be a driving force for regeneration in the heart of Aberdeen

We all need to play our role in making sure the story of the Belmont Cinema has a happy-ever-after ending.

The Belmont Cinema team also has a laser focus on education and community outreach, not only introducing young people to the magic of the movies, but helping show them how to make their own, writes Scott Begbie.
The Belmont Cinema team also has a laser focus on education and community outreach, not only introducing young people to the magic of the movies, but helping show them how to make their own, writes Scott Begbie.

So, there I was, settled back in a big comfy cinema seat, a cold beer in the cup holder beside me and the rather splendid Mickey 17 playing on the huge flawless screen in front of me… and relax.

Even better was knowing this particular picture house pays back to the community that supports it in more ways than you shake a clapperboard at. What could possibly be better?

Eh, having such a fine establishment in the heart of Aberdeen and not having to make the trip to enjoy the joys of independent cinema at Montrose Playhouse.

Belmont Cinema bosses plan to transform the venue.

Nothing against the Montrose flicks, mind. In fact it’s a wonderful place, one that makes me yearn even more for the rebirth of the Belmont Cinema which is now edging closer and closer to becoming a reality.

The Belmont Cinema team have been playing a blinder of late and their hard work and vision has been winning support and funding from all manner of places from Creative Scotland to Aberdeen City Council.

It’s a no-brainer really, when you consider what the rebirth of the cinema on Belmont Street will mean and the benefits it will bring, which go far beyond showing films.

Laser focus on education and community outreach

It will be a driving force in the regeneration of the heart of Aberdeen – something which will draw people into the city centre, helping to lift surrounding businesses and the local economy.

The Belmont Cinema team also has a laser focus on education and community outreach, not only introducing young people to the magic of the movies, but helping show them how to make their own.

A wee tranche of north-east Steven Spielbergs being incubated on our doorstep.

And for film fans like me it will mean the return of a cinema that always had a very special, warm and welcoming feel, somewhere you felt at home, be it in for a film or just to enjoy a drink in the café-bar.

This is how the cinema could look once it’s refurbished. Image: Tinto Architecture/Supplied

All of that is coming our way – but only if we all play our role in making sure the story of the Belmont Cinema has a happy-ever-after ending.

Yes, the team have been adept at securing grants and funding but no one should take it as read they will be able to reach their £2 million goal on their own.

They still need many more people to step up and chip in, helping to build the coffers in their crowdfunder.

Every single penny counts if we truly want the Belmont back.

The fine folk behind the campaign have a mantra of delivering the “people’s cinema”.

To do that they need as many of said people as possible to dig deep and give as much as they can.

Don’t think of it as a donation, think of as your investment in calling ‘lights, camera, acton’ and creating  Aberdeen’s own palace of dreams.

Scott Begbie is a journalist and editor, as well as PR and comms manager for Aberdeen Inspired.
