Crisis: noun. A dangerous or difficult point in a matter or situation.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon repeatedly refuses to call the chronic problems with the Scottish Ambulance Service a crisis but has now agreed to call in the army as waiting times for ambulances have now become life-threatening.
The ambulance unions have been warning the SNP for years now that the ambulance service in Scotland was underfunded and under considerable threat of breakdown.
The people of Scotland are now paying a very high price in having a minority SNP administration in Scotland that have consistently underfunded essential services to a final point of crisis.
Dennis Forbes Grattan, Bucksburn, Aberdeen.
Skills required
Boris has made a reshuffle of his top government posts. Can any politician provide me with an explanation as to why being promoted into a top cabinet post it is not essential to have any previous qualifications in that area.
It looks to me that it is the top civil servants within areas that really are the experts.
To promote someone into a job they know nothing about is to have them promoted into a level of incompetence. Perhaps this is a good way to describe politicians. No other sector in society promotes people to top jobs without them having a proven record within that or related sectors.
So should we get rid of politicians and replace them with skilled civil servants?
DC, Westhill.
Boris has a bite
Boris Johnson’s ministerial party reshuffle shows just how ruthless he can be.
I would urge First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to bear this in mind when next taunting him on the subject of independence.
Will she pay any attention? Probably not.