I really do not understand where all the money will come from with the new plans for a football stadium at the beach (EE, August 20).
The council seem determined to have a new stadium, why when we already have one that could simply be done up?
I do not see any car parks in the plan and it is extremely difficult to find parking spaces as it is.
When will the Union Terrace Gardens open and how much has it cost overall – everything is always much more than the estimate – and how about all the disruption for years?
The Middlefield project was completely unnecessary when the bypass was completed. However, the project went ahead with all the disruptions continuing at the “Held up again”.
When will it all end?
Restore our grand street
Please could the iconic and grand Union Street in Aberdeen be restored to its former glory?
From Castlegate to the top of Holburn Street, this street is one of the country’s finest in planning and vision. I suggest that buses and cars should be allowed to travel all the way up the street, removing any plans for pedestrianisation.
The flow of traffic has been affected in the city centre by the current restrictions. Buses now take longer to travel up and down Bridge Street and Market Street. Accessing shops, for example is much harder now for many people. There are fewer bus stops and it now seems as though we have further to walk to even find a bus stop. As the weather becomes more inclement and the nights get darker, travelling in the city centre will become even more challenging.
S Jaspers, Old Aberdeen.