I recently had a walk along Aberdeen Beach and think new information boards are needed which should read: Welcome to Aberdeen Beach – two miles of overgrown grass and weeds.
There’s no pedestrian access to the beach on many of the steps and orange barricades block off steps to the promenade.
Even the old rotten pavilion shelters are barricaded off.
Here are a couple of photos I took. What an eyesore.
E Taylor
Hairbrained scheme
It’s obvious our councillors go about with their eyes shut because they still want to go ahead with their hairbrained idea to pedestrianise Union Street.
Last time I looked there was hardly anyone walking down it.
Since there are four lanes, why can’t the middle two be kept open to buses and taxis? It would create more access for the elderly and disabled.
R Strachan
Re the proposed Union Street development.
What confuses me is the buildings at either side of the road. Surely they can’t be shops?
I thought Aberdeen Council had given up on that idea. What is the point of pedestrianising the street if there is no benefit in going there?
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